The Play Store has a new Download Manager feature in testing

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The Play Store has a relatively easy way to check your downloads and recently updated apps, but a new download manager feature could make it all the more convenient which ones were recently installed. The download manager is a new feature inside the Play Store that comes with its own dedicated button.

This will be visible on app pages and is sitting in the top right corner of the Play Store’s UI. Details about the feature coming were reportedly spotted by Assemble Debug earlier this month, but Mishaal Rahman has now pointed out that it appears to be a live feature for him. This suggests that Google is beginning to test the feature with some users, or slowly roll it out.

If it’s in testing, then it’s likely to stay there for a little while before everyone has access. If it’s simply a slow rollout, however, it may reach all users in a matter of days. It’s unclear which of those two scenarios it is, but we can confirm that we do not have access to it on the several phones we’ve checked. So it’s definitely not available for everyone just yet.

The Play Store Download Manager shows recently installed apps which haven’t been used

The benefit of this little button appears to be a quick way to see apps that you’ve recently installed. As Mishaal Rahman states, tapping the download manager button shows apps that have been installed recently but haven’t been used yet. So if you’ve installed an app in the last day or so and have yet to launch it, then it’ll show up in this list. You can see what the download manager panel that pops up looks like in the image below.

According to Rahman, this list will also show apps that you’re currently installing, allowing you to see the download progress as the install happens. This is a quick and convenient way to see a few recently installed apps. It’s not the only way to see your installed apps in the Play Store. That being said, the current way of tracking those only shows what’s been recently updated. Not necessarily apps you recently installed.

To check that information, you first have to tap on your account profile. Once you do that, you have to then tap on manage apps and device, then tap the manage tab. There you’ll find the recently updated apps list. You can also filter it by most or least used, etc. but, not recently installed.

The download manager will indicate how many recently installed apps there were

Another nifty detail about this feature is that there’s a counter on it. In the image below, you can see that there were two recently installed apps. When tapped, you can see what those two apps are. There are buttons for opening the apps right next to their names as well. Giving users a quick way to launch them from this panel.

It’s unclear how high the counter goes or how old the apps have to be before they no longer show up in this list.

Play Store Download Manager