Sony teases PS5 Pro design by hiding it in plain sight

Featured image for Sony teases PS5 Pro design by hiding it in plain sight

Sony’s PS5 Pro design seems all but confirmed at this point, with the company having recently teased what the console will look like. The PS5 Pro is Sony’s midcycle refresh of the PS5 that’s expected to launch sometime later this year. More than a few details about the console have surfaced via leaks and rumors over the past several months. But so far nothing has been officially confirmed. Sony itself also hasn’t confirmed the console even exists.

However, it seems that the company has teased both the console’s existence and design recently. It was hiding in plain sight the whole time no less. The details of the design were spotted in a blog post on September 5 on Sony’s official PlayStation blog. The post was put out to celebrate 30 years of PlayStation as a brand. In that post, Sony included an image with a giant “30th Anniversary” message next to the PlayStation logo. It looks normal at first glance, but if you look closely, you can spot the teaser in the background.

Behind the large 30th Anniversary label, you can see Sony’s familiar PlayStation shapes that make up the action buttons on its controllers. With each shape being comprised of icons for all the different PlayStation hardware over the years. It’s here that you can spot the design of the upcoming PS5 Pro.

PS5 Pro Design Teaser

Sony’s PS5 Pro design teaser is the spitting image of a recent leak

If you still haven’t seen it, you can see the PS5 Pro icon right behind the bottom part of the “3” in 30th Anniversary. This wasn’t the first time this design has popped up, however. Back on August 29, Dealabs’ Billbil-kun admitted to having seen the final packaging for the console, and thereby the design of the console on that packaging. While they didn’t post an actual image of the box, they did share a sketch of what the console looked like. Wouldn’t you know it, the teaser of the design Sony hid inside of its 30th Anniversary image looks just like that sketch.

It’s not quite an official confirmation, but it might as well be. Because there’s no reason Sony would put that design on an official image if it weren’t the final design of the console.

The plan is to launch the PS5 Pro in November

With Sony now teasing the PS5 Pro, it would seem that an announcement is imminent. That seems especially likely when you factor in the planned launch window. According to Insider Gaming (via Wccftech), Sony plans to launch the PS5 Pro sometime in November. This lines up with most of the other rumors suggesting a Fall release. Whatever Sony’s official plans are, it looks like they’ll be public soon.