First things first, I love my XOOM. While a lot of apps are still waiting to be built for Honeycomb, most still look very good on that glorious screen. If you see a 4th button on the bottom navigation bar, the app isn’t developed for Honeycomb yet, and the fourth button is the menu button you’d find on an Android phone. Even just released Google apps like the Google Docs app haven’t been made with Honeycomb in mind yet, but i’m sure that will all change rather soon. Seesmic is taking this opportunity to put out their amazing Twitter client out with full Honeycomb awesomeness, before the official one gets that much-needed update. Anyone with a 3.0 tablet can vouch for how poor the official Twitter client currently looks. More details will be announced about this app this week at what I like to call a Google Fanboy’s Christmas “Google I/O”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they put the update out this week as well, feeding off of the press anything Google and Android related will get. Check out one more pic of the revised app below, in all its 3-paned fragments glory!