iPhone users are running into alarm problems…again!

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Pretty much all smartphones come with a clock app. This app allows users to create timers, countdowns, and alarms. It’s simple and it works, or at least it does for phones other than the iPhone. According to user reports, it seems that the iPhone has some alarm clock problems.

Getting it wrong

An alarm clock is supposed to be simple and straightforward. You set a time and it wakes you up at that time. That’s really all there is to it.

Unfortunately, some iPhone users are running into alarm clock problems where the alarm clocks on their smartphones are not waking them up at the correct time.

For example, one user claims that they had set their alarm for 10:30 AM. Instead of it ringing at 10:30 AM, it went off at 12:42 AM. Not only is this completely wrong, but it could have bad consequences.

It could cause people to be late for work, miss meetings, important appointments, exams, deadlines, and more. Comments to the post on Reddit have revealed that the OP is not alone in this. There have been several other anecdotes of users who have set their alarms and double-checked them only to be woken up at the wrong time.

This has proven to be quite an issue that even Samsung couldn’t resist poking fun at its rival.

Not the first time

What’s funny, interesting, annoying, and frustrating about this is that it’s not a new issue. Most users likely feel annoyed that the feature isn’t working correctly to begin with. Imagine spending $1,000 on a smartphone whose alarm doesn’t work correctly, whereas a $5 cheap plastic clock gets it right every single time.

To compound the problem, iPhone users have faced alarm problems before. Reports indicate that this issue has persisted for as long as five years. This means that over the past five years, which basically covers five iPhone generations, Apple still hasn’t figured out the problem. Either that or the issue remains extremely low on Apple’s priority list of things to fix.

Apple previously acknowledged the issue and stated it was working on a fix. However, almost a year later, it seems clear that the problem persists. After five years, we’ve given up hope that Apple will ever address it. Fingers-crossed that it does, though. In the meantime, if you are affected by this, it’s time to invest in that $5 plastic alarm clock that will outlive your iPhone anyway.